I am standing here in darkness of night.
Surrounding me are
trees and vines,
Coldness and fright.
There is a dense fog encircling me.
It covers the ground,
Swirls around the trees.
A fog of thoughts and memories
It chills my skin,
Makes it impossible to see.
How did I get to this haunting place?
Alone, I look around
But no footprints can be traced.
Mocking voices carry thru the air
“You know what you did-
Did you know it would lead you here?”
Why is it I keep hearing his name?
I echo the sounds,
Crying out to him just the same?
I listen intently to hear a reply.
None is returned.
Of course not! That part of me has died.
The sting of truth, the pain it inflicts
I should have held on to you
Instead I released my grip.
My heart, it aches like never before.
The pain is intense.
I can’t believe they closed the door.
In my anger and pain I furiously swing.
Trying to ward off
Taunting thoughts attacking my brain.
It's of null affect on this fog in the dark
I sink to the ground
From the weight of grief overtaking my heart.
My little boy, little boy, my firstborn son
I let go of you
When I should have brought you home.